Water toys and splash pads

For most New Zealanders our fondest summer memories are playing, swinging, and sliding in water. I also remember waiting in excited anticipation for that bucket of cold water to be dropped on top of us or for the water blaster to be squirted at us by squealing siblings, Mums, crazy Dads or mad Uncles, that reverted back to kids themselves in a matter of seconds as soon as these water games commenced.     

 CAL and Aquatix Water Toys have taken water play to a whole new level and can design stunning, interactive water play and splash pad areas that are age and ability appropriate. Sensory fountains, oversized frogs, bright coloured flowers, tipping water buckets and spinning wheelchair adapted sensory sprinkler tables can all be designed into an integrated, stepped-level, uniquely themed water play area for your aquatic facility.  

Phone or email the CAL project management team to discuss your new Children's water play area.